Tuesday 29 October 2013


I try really really hard not to be angered by everyday experiences. Yet I find it impossible to do so.

Today, for example, I went shopping in Morrisons. I only bought a few items which I carried in a hand basket. Seeing the quite lengthy queues at the manned checkouts, I opted to use one of the Self-Service checkouts

All was going well as I scanned my items. Then, for no apparent reason, the "voice" asked me to remove the last item. I did this. The "voice" then asked to await "Supervisor Assistance". The said Supervisor was in charge of 8 of these checkouts. She was actively engaged with a woman who was in trouble trying to scan he items. Fair enough. I was prepared to wait.

But the wait got excessive. The woman had two 18-can "beerpacks" in her trolley. The Supervisor said that she was not allowed to lift these heavy items out of the trolley in order to access the bar-codes. Nor did the woman want to do this. So, there was a lot of time spent turning the beer packs this way and that, upside and on end, while the bar-codes were located and scanned.

Then the woman noticed that the Supervisor had swiped on of the bar-codes TWICE!

With that I saw red. I removed the bag of "scanned" items from the platform and took it and all the other items in my basket to manned till.

Why isn't there a limit on what you self scan? Why are the things so sensitive? Surely the technology can be improved so that the sel scanning outlets are really quick and convenient to use.

Just a thought.

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